Many found the reconstruction of the Black Temple blasphemous, while others maintained the true offense was allowing the original edifice to fall into ruin in the first place.
Above the altar an oculus adorned with gold inlay frame the long awaited eclipse.
Followers witnessed the alignment of celestial bodies. A gateway between worlds opened, blessing our godless universe with the majesty of theirs.
All within the temple is dark until the return of moonlight unveils gruesome overlords. Their presence replaces doubt with shock. Exposed as frauds, false worshippers are punished by unholy deities of their own summoning.
The temple once again lay in shambles. Surely another zealot will come along to restore it. Perhaps someone worthy to receive its promised glory.
Pantheon of Nativity: Temple in Unholy Shadows
Originally published by:
Jan. 30, 2020
Barathrum believed himself the presiding overlord after consuming far beyond his fair share of resources. And Superbia, too preoccupied with herself, never realized she was not the reigning monarch either.
Acedia sat idle in a palpable apathy, believing battles for dominance were pointless and their outcomes inconsequential. His pacifist sister, Thesan, was also uninterested in war, preferring sweeter conflicts involving unbridled love.
Invidia, was the smallest of the immortals, but his true shortcoming was obsessing over the power and prestige of his siblings. Such twisted perceptions prevented his advancement. Much like Avaritia, whose unquenchable thirst for more than she could manage resulted in overall loss.
Ire ruled unchallenged for millennia, always ready to crush would-be usurpers, though they would never come.
Pecking Order (Naming The Immortal Unholy Seven)
Originally published by:
Jul. 4, 2020
With early consciousness came ideas that darkness and light existed before everything else. And all that followed derived from one or the other. Then came the labeling of these things as either good or evil.
Light seemed a popular choice for good, thus the Sun became God. But to some, the Moon was a greater divinity for bringing light despite the darkness of night.
Both groups made offerings to their respective deities. Eclipses reflected their gods' approval and were used to keep score.
A dissenter proposed water was essential for life, therefore the true Mother of man. He was sacrificed to the Sun God... or the Moon Goddess. Either way, there were no eclipses, but it did rain the following Tuesday.
Presentation of New Theologies Inspire Ultimate Sacrifice
Originally published by:
Jul. 26, 2020
The surprise appearance of a stunning starlet attracted quite the crowd, but she paid them no attention, not a wave, not even a plastic smile.
Everyone pushed and shoved hoping to catch even the tiniest glimpse of her. Blinding camera flashes of the paparazzi were matched by the deafening screams of lifelong fans. The high-profile actress remained unfazed, never uttering a single word of acknowledgment or disapproval.
It took an entire police precinct to push back the unruly mob. By the time they cleared the area it was too late. The group of ghoulish admirers had already contaminated the crime scene.
Originally published by:
Oct. 2, 2020
Author's Notes:
This collection of microfiction features stories meeting specific publishing requirements. I enjoy the challenges of writing within the parameters of prompt guidelines, and strict word and/or character count restrictions.
Fun Facts:
Pecking Order (Naming The Immortal Unholy Seven) personifies the 7 Deadly Sins.